Eudoxia has extensive experience in effectively assisting companies and organisations manage trauma in their employees lives.
Our Critical Incident Management Program provides an immediate and effective response Australasia to any trauma or critical incident, minimising the potential impact of these events, and enabling employees to return to work as soon as possible.
Early intervention significantly reduces the likelihood of long term absence from work amongst those experiencing the symptoms of PTSD, and indicates to them a level of concern by the employer that helps to reduce anger and improves the psychological well-being of those involved.
How does Eudoxia respond to an immediate crisis?
For locations with a Eudoxia office, a counsellor will arrive, onsite, within 2 hours of the initial call. For remote areas, a counsellor will arrive within 24 hours of the initial call.
Provision of counselling will be either on a group or individual basis. Counselling will take place over the weeks or months following a crisis.
The focus will be on managing the effects on those involved in relation to family and work.
Appropriate and timely intervention with critical incident management gets people back to work and normality earlier.
Fill in the form below to make an appointment with one of our practitioners. Appointment enquiries for all clinics can also be made by phoning us on 0800 307 111.